America: The Crumbling Mosaic Relic Nightmare Dream
As I sit reading about #DonaldTrump wanting to ban all #Muslims from entering the United States... I don't mourn it so much. I am not surprised. Called this like a year ago. Alas... I have a message for my beleaguered Muslim brothers and sisters:
Please Muslim brothers and sisters, there's nothing to see here but a bunch of bigots and fear mongers. Spend your money, dreams, love elsewhere. Here, Muslims are treated second-class, murdered, assaulted in public, sexually violated for wearing scarves, threatened.
The US, where people forget they themselves are involved in global warfare, responsible for ruin and robbery, collateral damage and lost limbs, murder... Because Saint West has been named and its the playoffs or the bowl game or the price of nestle products has gone up and that's immigrants' faults, just like the murder rate, even though according to the National Crime Victimization Survey of 2013 white people still commit the majority of violent crimes in the US (and obviously around the world).
I wish it were different, but there is no place for you, you cannot be welcomed at a home with no heart. With no sense of self or dignity or unity. This is a wasteland, where white men and 'adorable king pins' disgrace the legacy of their Framer forefathers. Hashtag Black Friday Matters out hashtags #BlackLivesMatter, hashtag we need a new white disney princess, hashtag 'i am not a terrorist' to simply scream i am an uncle tom, hashtag save the rainforest by freeing the nipple but shut down funding for planned parenthood which saves nipples.
This place is a place where innovators and forward thinkers go to die, where artists, survivors and soldiers are called thugs and goodfornothings. This is the land of opportunity where working welfare users are leeches, instead of evidence that the state is not providing a living wage.
This place is a place where you can fight for human rights your whole life and then read shit from your esteemed colleagues, like 'why should people on the no-fly list be able to buy guns?' ... You think to yourself, 'Because the no-fly list doesn't have any disgruntled white mens' names on it,' laughing a little, until you remember that this very same colleague, benignly asking for disparate rights for equal citizens, is dating a Muslim brother! Lollllll [fkn kill me].
Muslims, as you avoid this country and explore the rest of what the world has to offer, please keep us in your hearts and prayers, as we have never done for you, because we are governed, fed, educated, and homogenized by opportunists and idiots.
Please, make no apologies, and be free; even though we have destabilized all your pre-existing stable governments, and you have almost nowhere to go. Also we dictate political trends globally, so don't expect us to apologize, ever. We don't deserve you, and you certainly don't deserve U.S. and our bullshit.
If this pisses you off and you think this is not what America is all about... ur adorable. Its called a literary device so go talk to your therapist about it. Tell me you support Trump and I'll put you on my suspected terrorist list, right where you belong.